Zhengqi Chen - PhD Student and our official guide in tangled forests
I am a PhD student in electronic engineering and robotics, and my current research tangled forest
interests include tactile sensing, cognitive robotics and animal-robot interaction. I have a master degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Glasgow.
My PhD project is about developing practical robotic technology that can be used to interact with baby chicks. Based on filial imprinting, it is possible to design a robot that mimics the role of a hen and teach the chicks correct feeding habits and food preference in order to develop its welfare. I am working on the data representation and robot control to realize the automatic exploration task for the robot.
Email: zhengqi.chen@qmul.ac.uk
Personal Social Accounts:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eric_404_c
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/%E6%AD%A3%E5%A5%87-%E9%99%88-792b20260